Intake Form
Its recommended to downloading the intake form and filling it out ahead of time to bring with you so you do not have to sit in the office filling it out. However if for some reason you cannot please be sure to show up 10-15 minutes ahead of time as the paper work is very detailed.
By appointment only
Mon, Wed and Fri late morning and afternoons
Please call me at 916-813-2602 for a quick, free consultation to check and see if what I do is right for you. This way I can answer any of your questions and also get a better idea of what to expect when you come in. If I do not answer the phone right away please be patient as there is a good chance I’m in session with another client and cannot answer. PLEASE leave me a message, I cannot call you back unless you leave me a message due to the sheer number of spam calls I get daily. I check my messages frequently throughout the day and will absolutely call you back as soon as I am able. You can also e-mail me at Thank you!
*Only existing clients may self-schedule. Please check your e-mail for a link to the self-scheduler or contact me and I’ll be happy to send it over to you.
$110 for 60 minute sessions
$150 for 90 minute sessions